Getting Fuel Tax Credits Right this Quarter

Getting Fuel Tax Credits Right this Quarter

Hello Chasers, Taxpayers should remember to use the ATO’s ‘fuel tax credit calculator’ on its website to help them apply the correct fuel tax credit rates when preparing their quarterly…

Business Losses vs Non-Commercial Losses

Hello Chasers, Not all losses made from the activities undertaken by taxpayers qualify as business losses as those activities might fail the business definition and tests. Therefore, it is important…

‘Green Light’ To Lodge?

Hello Chasers, Earlier this month, the ATO gave taxpayers with simple affairs the ‘green light’ to lodge their annual income tax returns. ATO Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh said that most…

Small Business Technology Investment Boost

Hello Chasers, Over the past two financial years, the Australian government offered  a 20% bonus deduction on technology expenditure for small businesses. This meant that for every $100 you spent…

Repairs or Improvements

Hello Chasers, The Australian Tax Office or ATO pays close attention to the expenses claimed by landlords, especially those operating in the Airbnb space. They are ramping up its enforcement…

Downsizer Contributions – Good News!

Hello Chasers, If you are quickly approaching that time in your life where your retirement plans need to be reviewed there is some good news regarding a strategy of downsizing…