

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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7 Productive Principles to Live By

Hello Chasers, I’ve been in business for over 35 years now and along my journey I’ve learned a lot of things which have helped make my time more productive and more successful. There’s a certain method…
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Fringe Benefits Tax Audits on the Rise: Don’t Get Caught Out!

Hello Chasers, We all know that running a small business is tough enough at the moment without the added stress of an ATO audit. However, fringe benefits tax (FBT) audits are becoming increasingly common, and many…
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Sowing the Seeds for a Happy Retirement

Hello Chasers, This is a topic that is close to my heart as I have an active interest in helping our older customers navigate their challenges whilst also planning for my own. Retirement is a time…
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Buying Your First Home in 8 Steps

Hello Chasers, Buying your first home is a massive achievement! But before you jump in and grab the nearest “For Sale” sign, let’s strategise.  Here’s your roadmap to becoming a happy homeowner, complete with info on…
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AI Agents

Hello Chasers, The AI (artificial intelligence) revolution is moving at such a rapid pace, that we now have access to super-efficient AI-powered agents! Ever wished you had a super-powered assistant who could answer customer questions, manage…
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End of financial year obligations for employers

Hello Chasers, The ATO reminds employers they need to keep on top of their payroll governance.  This includes: using their tax and super software to record the amounts they pay; withholding the right amount of tax;…
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Redraw Vs Offset – What’s the Difference?

Hello Chasers, Buying a house is a huge achievement, but let’s be honest, managing that mortgage can feel like a marathon, especially if it is going to take 30 years to pay it off! The good…
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Flythrough – Create Stunning Home Videos with Your Phone!

Hello Chasers, Now this tool is really cool! Selling your home?  Want to showcase its awesomeness in a way that blows away potential buyers?  Forget expensive drone footage or fancy cameras!  There’s a new app in…
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