

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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Expansion of the Victoria Homebuyers Fund

Hello Chasers, If you are in the market for a home, there is some welcome news from the Victorian State Government. As part of the 2024-25 State Budget, the Victorian Government has announced a $700 million…
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Hello Chasers Finding the perfect candidate can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. You spend hours sifting through resumes, only to end up with a stack of “maybes” and a growing pile of…
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ATO’s three focus areas this tax time

Hello Chasers, It’s nearly that time of the year again – Tax Time! The ATO will be taking a close look this ‘tax time’ at the following common errors made by taxpayers: Work-related expenses:  Taxpayers using…
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How Flipner AI Can Unleash Your Inner Writing Superhero

Hello Chasers, Whether it’s creating content for marketing, writing a book or a report for your uni assignment, we’ve all been there. The cursor blinks mockingly on the screen, that blank document a yawning chasm swallowing…
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Do You Have a Conversion Strategy?

Hello Chasers, Without a properly thought-out strategy for converting all of the leads that your marketing generates, you will be at risk of converting very few. This is very expensive and a waste of your time,…
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Claiming 2024 Working from Home Expenses

Hello Chasers, If you have been working from home this financial year, you will probably have some work- related expenses to claim. There are now two ways to calculate a work from home deduction: fixed rate…
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How to Wow!

Hello Chasers, If you have been following our business development blog theme (Creating Consistent Cashflow) this quarter, we are now going to focus on a very important and often neglected aspect of business. And that is…
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Cartoonize Me

Hello Chasers, If you want to have some fun with your social media, then this ChatGPT Agent (tool created using ChatGPT) called Cartoonize Me will help! It turns your photo into a fun cartoon! Cartoonize yourself…
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