

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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Minimum Yearly Repayments on Division 7A Loans

Hello Chasers, If you have not fully paid your trust distribution to your ‘bucket company’ beneficiary or drawn out more money from your business than permitted without paying tax, then you will be very familiar with…
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Book Like a Boss

Hello Chasers, Ever feel like your schedule is a tangled mess of phone calls, emails, and frantic juggling game with people showing up at the wrong time or not showing at all ? Yeah, we’ve all…
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Your Values & Your Business

Hello Chasers, Productive people and businesses have a set of guiding principles and beliefs that help them function together as a team and work toward a common business goal. These guiding principles and beliefs are their…
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Support Available for Businesses Experiencing Difficulties

Hello Chasers, One of the ways to reduce your cashflow outgoings is to avoid overdue payments which can attract late payment fees and even interest! By paying their tax bill in full and on time, taxpayers…
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Google Chat

Hello Chasers, Having an effective solution for the lifeblood of any small business: communication – is another key to maintaining a super productive team!  Let’s face it, emails can get buried, texts feel impersonal, and carrier…
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A Clear Vision

Hello Chasers, As business owners, we need to be able to harness the power to manage and use our time more effectively if we are to scale and grow our businesses. Time is a commodity that…
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Trust Distributions – Important to Get It Right

Hello Chasers, If you have a discretionary family trust you will be well aware of the need to have your trust resolutions completed and signed before the 30th June 2024. As trustees prepare for year-end distributions,…
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Hello Chasers, A key to your business and team’s productivity success is having a project management tool. One that can keep track of various project deliverables and deadlines. This ensures the timely delivery of goods and…
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