

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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Update: The Fair Work Information Statement

The Fair Work Ombudsman has updated the Fair Work Information Statement (FWIS) to make it easier for you to understand minimum workplace entitlements. Employers have to give every new employee a copy of the Fair Work…
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Assistance for your business to cope with the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) effects

Here is a 2-minute read with some insights to help you during this difficult time with the Coronavirus (or COVID-19) affecting all of us. As a business owner, you need to face the possibility of team…
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Can I really claim that Xbox as a tax deduction?

Dog food, Xboxes and make-up for dead people are just some of the bizarre claims the ATO will allow – if you have the supporting records and a solid business reason for incurring the expense. With…
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The Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019 has now been passed and is awaiting royal assent. The SG amnesty provides for a one-off amnesty to encourage employers to self-correct historical SG non-compliance dating from…
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BEWARE – Changes to Income Protection Insurance

Income protection is an insurance policy which pays you a benefit if you’re unable to work due to sudden illness or injury. There are two different kinds of income protection insurance – agreed value and indemnity…
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Creating an Impactful Business

Being a business owner gives us significant power and the ability to really create an impact in the world. The small act of making a donation to a charity that is doing good in our local…
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Retiring earlier and living longer: why every woman needs the right financial strategy to make sure their savings will last their distance

Women in Australia can look forward to long and healthy lives, with the average female life expectancy now higher than 82. What’s more, women tend to leave the workforce earlier than men, at an average age…
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5 things to consider before a sea or tree change

Before you swap your briefcase for a beach towel, have you thought carefully about what life in a quieter location will really be like? If you’ve spent most of your life in the fast lane, retirement…
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