Alt Text – SEO for Images

Excel Table sample from google

Hello Chasers,

When we look at optimising online we need to consider how a search engine (e.g. Google browser) functions.

Once we understand this we can then make sure we optimise our blog and website’s content, headers, subheaders and meta descriptions – (those HTML tags that summarise the webpage’s content.)

The image for today’s blog post is the first search engine results page (SERP) Google produces for the search term, “excel table examples.” Notice how, in addition to the “Images” tab at the top, Google pulls in a substantial pack of clickable images to the beginning of the main results page — before any organic text results are even visible.

Nearly 41% of Google’s SERPs today, show images – and that’s likely to increase. That means, despite your best SEO efforts, you could still be missing out on another source of organic traffic: your website’s images.

How do you get in on this traffic source?

With SEO for Images using alt text!


Click here to read more …

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