B1G1 2022 Global Impact Award.

Hello Chasers,

We really have been spoilt this weekend with two days of sunshine and no rain, and a chance to get outside and enjoy Mother Nature!

After getting my ‘fix’ of being outside in our garden, my mind started to drift and dwell on a significant milestone for Ceebeks that we achieved this week – the B1G1 2022 Global Impact Award.

I started to think about when we first rekindled our relationship with Paul Dunn the chairman of B1G1in 2015, whom we first met back in 1999 when he revolutionised the way we operate our business through an ‘epiphany moment’ at an Accountants Bootcamp.

We spoke about how a business can be used as a source for doing great things in the world, how having a purpose bigger than ourselves will transform everyone who interacts with that business and how ‘playing a bigger game’ beyond our own backyard will allow you to get so much more out of life.

For those of you who need a bit more context, a business purpose describes the reason, or purpose, that a company was initially founded. It describes what makes a business unique, as well as what the business plans to do. A business purpose is not a mission or value statement and is much shorter than both.

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