Hello Chasers,

As business owners, we need to be able to harness the power to manage and use our time more effectively if we are to scale and grow our businesses.

Time is a commodity that we cannot make more of – once it is spent it is gone and is not recoverable!

The real magic in scaling and growing a business is to duplicate the productive hours of the owner because you are going to be limited in how far you can grow your business by yourself.

John Maxwell puts it this way – ‘if you can climb a mountain by yourself, then it is not a very big mountain!’

You can climb Mt Kosciuszko on your own – start in the morning and get to the summit by 2:00pm. But you cannot climb Mt Everest by yourself – you need a team (Sherpas, tents, pack mules, planning, logistics, medics etc. And even with all of this, you still may not do it!

You can build a little business on your own, but you can never build a great business by yourself!


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