In the best interests of you and our Team, CeebeksTM Business Solutions office is now CLOSED to public access.

However, we will continue to work virtually with you to support you through this crisis.

If you have documents to drop off to us, please leave in our letterbox located beside the front entrance off Timor Street. You can continue to scan and email, which we would prefer.

We are available during normal business hours for online meetings and telephone calls.

As soon as we have confirmation of the legislated Government stimulus package we will be sending out an email and a blog post on our Facebook pages to inform everyone how it will work.

In the meantime, it will be critical for both you and us to have all of your data coded and reconciled on a daily basis so that as soon as the 1st April 2020 has arrived we can start processing your March 2020 BAS to allow you to get the tax-free cash relief for small businesses from the Government stimulus package.

The main thing is to stay calm, know that we have this covered and will be here to support you through this crisis.

Together, we will get through this!

Our team at CeebeksTM Business Solutions for GOOD are here to help you. Please phone us on (03) 5561 2643 if you need any assistance!

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