On the Fifth Day of Christmas…

We are delving into Santa’s sack today and we’ve pulled out a gift for you.

We have an inspirational book for you – The E-Myth revisited!

I find myself re-reading this book at least once a year because of the insights it has and because it allows me to clearly deliver the message that so many small business owners fail to understand when they set up a business for the first time.

I met Michael Gerber several years ago, around 2000, when he was in Australia on a speaking circuit, having already read his awesome book.

The “E” in E-Myth is for Entrepreneur. Gerber takes time to explain how most business owners fall into a trap that they set for themselves.

The E-Myth stands for the entrepreneurial myth: the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs and the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that technical work. For example, a brilliant hairdresser starts their own salon, a top chef starts their own restaurant, or a clever electrician starts their own electrical services business – all of them technically excellent but without understanding how to run a business!

It has been said that his book should be required reading for anyone thinking about starting a business or for those who have already taken that fateful step.

The title refers to the author’s belief that business owners – typically brimming with good but distracting ideas – make poor entrepreneurs.

The way out of the constant “doing it, doing it, doing it”, is to learn true Entrepreneurship and work on your business rather than working in your business.

You can collect your Christmas present here: http://bit.ly/2ANeSMB

Have a great day!

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