On the Twenty-Ninth Day of Christmas…

The last of the presents in Santa’s sack is a collaboration of ideas from some of the successful entrepeneur’s over the last couple of decades written by Dale Beaumont – Secrets of Top Business Builders Exposed!

In this book those experts are 13 successful business builders who, from their collective years of experience, provide insight into the fundamental characteristics of successful small businesses.

The power of this book is first, that the experts are all different yet successful in their own right, which reinforces the idea ‘If it is possible for you it is possible for me, it is just a question of how.’

Second, the experts each reinforce essentially the same fundamental characteristics of successful small businesses.

The only area this book did not fully address was the specifics of how to do what you need to do. This can largely be put under the heading of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know,’ which means that the readers of this book will have to decide based on their individual goals what knowledge they are willing to acquire and which they are willing to hire.

You can access your copy here: http://bit.ly/2hqqqaV

Enjoy reading this one too, as I did.

Have a great day!

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