Our New Website is Live!

New website of ceebeks

Hello Chasers,

This quarterly theme is optimising online and it is very timely as we have just launched our new refreshed website this week – check it out here and let us know what you think!

One of the marketing strategies that has always worked for us in generating new leads 24 hours per day, seven days per week is our website.

We refresh it every three years to make sure it is built on best practice principles that are current.

Speaking of websites, let’s ask this question of yours:

How good is your website now? (Award yourself 1 point for each Yes answer)

  • Does your website look modern & professional?
  • Does your website collect leads every day?
  • Is your website responsive (looks great on any device)?
  • Is your website built on open-source software?
  • Are YOU (not the developer) able to add & change content?
  • Do you have more than one option for support?
  • Are you currently measuring your website performance? (traffic, keywords, conversion, time on site etc.)

Click here to read more …

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