SYSTEMology – The Art of Business Systems Creation

Hello Chasers,

As you all know by now, we are focussing on the theme – Simple Systems for this quarter.

At a Chasers Meet Up in 2022 we featured a presentation by a Systemologist who helps business owners plan, create and implement business systems.

James Brown, from Biztech Gurus, presentation dispelled the 7 myths surrounding business systems that often prevent business owners from implementing processes into their businesses.

Systems, when created and implemented correctly, will create more time for the business owner, eliminate the likelihood of errors occurring, dramatically improve and increase quality control and lead to greater Team satisfaction – all resulting in higher profitability and business success!

According to BeMedia, nearly 97% of all businesses fail and 60% will fail within 3 years! A large part of that is because of a lack of planning – developing systems is a huge part of that planning process!

James was kind enough to gift us a copy of the book – Systemology by David Jenyns which is available for you to borrow from our business library.

Contact Shannae Hewett on 55612643 to find out how you can do this.

Have a great day!

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