Delegation – An Artform for Business

Keeping Your Assets in the Family

Hello Chasers, As I get older and start my retirement, my plans and thoughts turn to the next generation and how to minimise the stress and worry of them having…

Designer AI

Hello Chasers, If you’re looking to produce images quickly for your social media posts then using an AI tool to do this quickly is the key if you are short…


Hello Chasers, We are adopters of Google tech and products because of the ease in use and the way they seem to be keeping at the cutting edge of new…

Buying Off the Plan

Hello Chasers, Buying off the plan is a popular option for many people, in fact, it’s a strategy that I used for a property I acquired way back in my…

International Dog Day

Hello Chasers, Yesterday we celebrated the day where all dog lovers honour their beloved pet dogs. When I was young, we got our very first dog, a little Australian Terrier…

Keeping Your Team Productive

Hello Chasers, I recently attended my quarterly business conference in Sydney and was very impressed with the way many successful business owners were keeping their team members productive during their…

Prompt Pal

Hello Chasers, Stuck for ideas when you need to produce content, a marketing plan or perhaps even the family meal? Well, this AI driven tool might just be the solution.…