The 90-Day Action Plan

The 90-Day Action Plan

Hello Chasers, One of the best planning tools that I have ever learned about is a strategy of breaking down the goals for the year into quarterly segments in the…

Culture Building

Hello Chasers, Successful businesses are easily recognised by the way they work together seamlessly. This smooth operation is like the DNA of a business and plays a crucial role in…

Productivity Protection

Hello Chasers, A key part to being a ‘Productive Person’ is to ensure that you remain fit and healthy to carry out the role of business owner. If you are…

Getting Started with ChatGPT

Hello Chasers, In this age of advanced technology, interacting with artificial intelligence has become a fascinating and accessible experience. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is one such AI language model that…

How Your Ideal Customers Will Find You

Hello Chasers, During this second quarter of the 2023 year we have been focussing on the theme of ‘Creating Consistent Cashflow’ and part of the strategies for doing this is…

How To Wow!

Hello Chasers, If you have been following our business development blog theme (Creating Consistent Cashflow) this quarter, we are now going to focus on a very important and often neglected…

Bringing The Lead Funnel Formula to Light!

Hello Chasers, Now that we have the components in place for the lead funnel formula, namely: Target Market (Our Avatar) Lead Generation (Attract) Lead Magnet (Capture) Conversion Tool (Convert) We…

What is a landing page?

Hello Chasers, Key parts of the Lead Funnel Formula is lead generation with lead magnets and a major consideration when planning out this strategy is where to direct your traffic…

Lead Generation

Hello Chasers, Building on your education about the Lead Funnel Formula (which is part of our quarterly theme for this quarter – Consistent Cash Flow) we focus today on generating…

The AIDA Model

Hello Chasers, Does your business have a strong flow of leads coming in, is it a trickle or just a few drops every now and again? It is not uncommon…